Library members can sign up for the KnowledgeShare service. This targeted evidence update service will identify latest documents in your area.
Access to KnowledgeShare is via OpenAthens and listed in the resources; login to register and indicate the areas in which you are interested. If you do not have OpenAthens, please register here
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You will be notified about new guidelines, policy documents and a wide range of summarised evidence as it is published.
Library Management System
KnowledgeShare is used by the library team to record all library training you receive and any literature searches carried out by the library team for you. You will be able to access the results of the literature searches carried out for you.
Setting up ToCs from your favourite journals
BMJ Collection: Click “My Alerts”, sign up with a valid email address, choose from the journal list and Submit
JournalTOCs is a large free collection of scholarly journal Table of Contents which gives access to current issue TOCs RSS feeds. Search, or Browse Medical Sciences to Follow journal TOCs in specialties which include: Cardiovascular diseases, Emergency and intensive critical care, Gerontology, Oncology, Respiratory diseases and Surgery. Sign up for a free account to save your Followed Journals and receive email alerts when new issues are published
ClinicalKey: Subscribe to eTOCs for individual journals. You must have registered and be logged into subscribe. Browse the journal list by keyword, title or Specialty for the journals in which you are interested. Click on the title and subscribe from the journal homepage. A pop up confirmation message will appear. Once subscribed, you will receive email updates with hyperlinks to the articles.
For more information and help in setting up TOC alerts, pop into one of the Libraries.