Resources available to staff working for Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. Register for an OpenAthens account to make the most of the healthcare resources.
Look under Evidence for research reviews, evidence-based guidelines, validated research articles and research-based clinical options.
Literature contains indexes of published information from journals, conference abstracts, reports and academic theses. Critically appraise results to exclude poorly conducted clinical trials, reports and articles and locate relevant, valid information.
The ‘NHS Knowledge and Library Hub’ connects NHS staff and learners to high quality knowledge and evidence resources in one place.
Funded by Health Education England, it includes:
- Journals, books and databases
- Clinical decision support resources including NICE Guidelines and BMJ Best Practice
- Resources purchased nationally and locally
- One-click links to full-text, request a copy or contact an NHS library
For details of one-to-one and group training in the workplace, expert evidence searching and critical appraisal, please contact Karen Skinner the Outreach Librarian.
Evidence Resources
All require OpenAthens unless otherwise indicated
Anatomy TV: Interactive 3D resource bank of images, video clips and slides. Access via OpenAthens, a free personal profile will need to be created. This resource has limited access, please remember to log off when finished *
BMJ Best Practice: Clinical decision support tool, structured around patient consultation, advice on symptom evaluation, tests and treatment approach. Access thousands of clinical topics and 6000+ clinical guidelines. Create a personal account and download the app.
ClinicalKey: Provides access to a large collection of reference material, books, journals, images and videos
Cochrane Library: Reliable evidence on the effectiveness of healthcare interventions and treatments
NICE Evidence: Free, open access to a range of selected and authoritative health and social care evidence-based information
NICE Pathways: Free interactive tool giving quick and easy access to NICE guidance
Trip: A clinical search engine providing quick and easy access to high quality research evidence. Filter by evidence type, images, date
Literature Resources
The ‘NHS Knowledge and Library Hub’ links to journal citations, abstracts and some full-text articles.
These require OpenAthens
- CINAHL: Nursing and allied health care literature from Europe and North America
- EMBASE: European database of biomedical and pharmacological literature
- EMCARE: Nursing and allied health literature
- HMIC: UK focused data and records from the Department of Health and the King’s Fund on health service policy, the quality of health services, management and administration
- Medline: Clinical, medical and nursing literature
- PsychINFO: Psychology, psychiatry and related disciplines
Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines: The guidelines are an essential means by which psychiatrists and other healthcare professional stay current with the latest advances in prescribing. It provides practical advice for common clinical situations and is an essential text for prescribers, nursing staff, pharmacists, GPs, and those in related professions. A link can be found on your local trust intranet site
PubMed: Extensive index of medical, biomedical and nursing resources. Some full-text articles are free access
Anatomy TV: Interactive 3D resource bank of images, video clips and slides
ClinicalKey: Provides access to a large collection of reference material, books, journals, images and videos
Trip: A clinical search engine providing quick and easy access to high quality research evidence. Filter by evidence type, images, date
Revision Aids
Birmingham Course: Are you studying for your MRCPsych Paper A or Paper B? Get a head start with the Birmingham Course question bank, available for doctors training with Sussex Partnership.
For more information visit:
Useful Websites
Behind the Headlines: Find the facts behind the newspaper headlines concerning health news
BNF Publications: The BNF APP is available to download
NHS choices: Information from the National Health Service on conditions, treatments, local services and healthy living.
Patient: The same information as provided by GPs to patients during consultations, health/disease leaflets, patient support organisations, all about medicines
Useful Links
Need Some Help?
Please contact us if you would like to book a training session, request an evidence search or have a query on using these resources.