Available via OpenAthens this resource offers full text to over 2 million articles and 1000+ books.
The images available can be used in teaching presentations and can be downloaded into Powerpoint complete with the citation about where the image is from.
Saved content and presentations are available if you set up your own free account on ClinicalKey.
Each month content is updated to refresh editions of popular books and add new information or new topics into Clinical Overviews.
Drug Monographs, Patient Information and Guidelines are other useful features. Information from BNF and BNFC is featured within Drug Monographs.
When searching a topic or browsing you are able to select what is relevant by specialty so at a glance you could see which journals are available in Dentistry or which books are there for staff working in Surgery.
A useful video is available to highlight this resource but do contact the library to find out more.