New books in our Health & Wellbeing collection! The libraries at East Surrey and Crawley Hospitals have a range of books available to support mental health. Topics include: coping with anxiety/eating disorders/ depression/ stress and worry. Concerned about OCD or social shyness – we have books about those issues so if you
Read more →Archive for the The Reading Agency Category
The libraries at East Surrey and Crawley hospitals have a new collection of books from the local public library service. The books aim to support literacy and wellbeing; titles are swapped every 3 months and are for the use of staff and students working locally in the
Read more →As you like(d) it last year… we are holding a World Book Night event durng the daytime on Friday 22nd April. NHS Staff and Students – please visit the library at East Surrey Hospital at 10.00-11.30 or 1-2.30. Collect a clue – there is a Shakespeare theme
Read more →Back by popular demand – Summer Reads! Enjoy some fiction this summer with the collection of books we have available to borrow at East Surrey Hospital library. Titles include: Matron on call Happy Endings Paw tracks Dark Vineyard The Queen’s Promise To rise again at a decent
Read more →This annual celebration of reading and books takes place every year on 23rd April, Shakespeare’s birthday. The Reading Agency organises 1000’s of volunteers all over the country to hand out books, hoping to inspire those who receive them. This year we were lucky enough to receive 60
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