OpenAthens is your route to a range of resources to support you in patient care and research. Once registered you can access resources from work or at home. Resources include: Clinical Decision Support – BMJ Best Practice, EBSCO (Dynamed) Databases – EBSCO (Cinahl, Medline), Ovid (Embase Medline),
Read more →Archive for the Databases Category
Do you want to organise you search results? The Databases in EBSCO, Proquest and Ovid offer export options to allow you to create files for importing into tools such as EndNote. There are some free reference manager packages which have online tutorials to help you. A free
Read more →CINAHL Ultimate is the new definitive resource for nursing and allied health research and is available to SaSH staff with OpenAthens. It covers more than 50 nursing specialties and includes quick lessons, evidence-based care sheets, CEU modules and research instruments. Useful tools for revalidation…. A substantial number
Read more →The new Health Education England funded NHS Knowledge and Library Hub has now gone live. It brings together a vast range of databases, journals, NICE guidance and other support tools in one place. over 7,000 journals books and e-publications, including OUP handbooks one-click access to full-text, request
Read more →HDAS (Healthcare Databases Advanced Search) will be switched off on 31st March 2022. If you have any saved searches or have set up alerts please be aware you will need to set up your searches/alerts on the new platforms ahead. Not sure? Login and take a quick
Read more →Start the new year with a look at these e-journals which we now have available via Internurse! The full list of titles available can be found here and the links will give you a brief preview of their latest content. To view
Read more →HDAS (Healthcare Databases Advanced Search) has now settled down since the upgrade last November. If you are struggling to find your way around, are missing Clipboard and feel baffled by limits please book a time with a librarian to find out more. When you login make sure
Read more →Happy New Year from the library staff. Struggling to think of some new resolutions? Why not select from one (or more!) of these: Learn about a new e-resource – learn tips about the new layout of Healthcare Databases or explore Anatomy TV/ClinicalKey? Renew your books or return
Read more →Have you used the new version of the Databases available via Nice Evidence? The “new” version will be the only version in a few weeks! We are offering Drop-in sessions on using the Databases in East Surrey Hospital library on 8th December 2016 10-11 am and 17th January 2017 14.00-15.00
Read more →From Monday 17th October 2016 there will be a new search screen layout for the Healthcare databases available via OpenAthens using NICE Evidence. When you login with OpenAthens and select NICE Evidence Databases & Journals (Advanced search) a different screen will appear to the familiar “boxes” you
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